Monday, May 21, 2012


Know what you want to accomplish in any exercise period. This is a crucial step in using short exercise periods.

Example: you have only 10 minutes but know you want to complete 2 sets of push-ups and 2 sets of pull-ups (you installed an inexpensive, easily removable pull-up bar in a doorway) and therefore, because you clarified exactly what you wanted to achieve, you achieved it. And, you had a 1.5 minutes to spare so you threw in a doorway pec stretch to open things up after the pull-ups!

Clarifying your exercise intentions also helps you to plan exercise sessions.

Example: You know you will have 3 periods of 10 minutes available to exercise today. You decided that today you will work on strength so you roughly plan which exercises or anatomical region (it can be as simple as upper body, lower body and core/trunk) you will work on in each session. When your reach that time period, you know exactly what to do and complete it.

Later that day at work you overhear a co-worker lament that they want to "get in shape but don't have the time" nod empathetically and tell them about this blog.

"For me, the greatest beauty always lies in the greatest clarity"

-Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

***DISCLAIMER- This blog is for informational purposes only .   Always seek your doctor’s advice before beginning any exercise program.

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