Being the Captain of Your Daily Schedule allows you to plan time to exercise.
Being ready to take advantage of whatever exercise time and place presents itself by developing the ability to flow with your schedule and create/find time to exercise will ensure a robust and life-long exercise practice.
Sit down and look at your daily or weekly schedule. Where are the small-time increments (5, 10, 15 minutes)?
You can't find any? Look again. Don't resist the small increments. People sometimes believe themselves to be "too busy to have time for anything". They will tell you this with an exaggerated certainty and a hint of defensive posturing. This is usually an escape from something. Sure, people are busy. You may be busier than most people, but you can find, recognize or create time periods.
You will probably need to be creative. Brainstorm it. You don't have to set your schedule in stone so you can play with different scenarios.
You will need to triage activities. Don't be afraid to scale down or cut out some things in order to exercise.
You need to believe that your exercise practice is valuable and worth the time. View your exercise as an investment in your health and in your family's well-being. You exercising sets a great example for your spouse, significant other or your children.
Step back, look at your schedule and get things going.
"It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul."
- from "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley
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