You never have more or less time. Time cannot be stored like dollars in a bank. You can be aware of time.
One key to exercise in a busy life is to recognize the time that already exists and use that time for exercise.
1) After reading this post, you notice that you have a few minutes before you take a shower. In that small time slot you perform 2 sets of 10 half squats. Because you performed this exercise with awareness (much more of this to come throughout this blog's life) you feel pretty stretched out in addition to the strength benefit. This can be done in 3 minutes and that includes resting 30 seconds between the sets.
2) You have been sitting at your computer at work and your muscles feel a bit tight and you notice you are starting to slump over the keyboard. Its a good time for a break so you find a door with a good door frame, put a hand on each side of the door frame and step through with one foot until a good stretch is felt in the chest performing the excellent, doorway chest stretch. You hold the stretch for 30 seconds. After a day or two others see this, ask you about it, they try it, realize how great it feels and you get known as the person with answers.
Opportunistic Exerciser- "one who takes advantage of time/place to engage in exercise."
Where is your time?
***Always seek your doctor’s advice before beginning any
exercise program
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